
Monday, July 30, 2018

Syntax Of a Method

In previous post we already discuss that how to DevelopOfTheMethods in java. Now we are learning the syntax of a  Method .

A syntax of the Java programming language is a set of rules defined and how a Java program is written and interpreted.

A syntax of methods mostly derived from C and C++. Unlike C++, in Java programming language there is no global functions or variables, but there are only data members which is also included as global variables.

In Java all code belongs to classes and all values are objects. Here only the exception is the primitive types, which is not represented by a instance class for performance reasons (though it can be automatically converted to objects and vice versa via auto-boxing). Some of the features like operator overloading or unsigned integer types are omitted to simplify the language and to avoid possible programming mistakes.

Syntax of a Method

1.Return Type  2. Method Name  (3.list of formal parameters )

4.Block Of Statement's  (or)  Business Logic



  1. Return Type represents  in  which type of value is return by the method. If any method does not  returning any value  then return type is "void". Void is one of the return type but not a data type.
  2. Method name represents the name of the method , In any Java  programming method is containing either one  or more  words then we must have write  "first word first letter must be small rest of the remaining words capital". This is also known "Hungarian rule" .                                                                                                                                      Example:-  getStudentDetails( );
  3. List Of Formal Parameters represents the variable names which is used for storing by the input , which is caring from the "Method call".
  4. Formal Parameter's is always used as the part of  "Method Heading".
  5. Block of Statements represents the set of executable statements which is always providing solution for a client  requirements and it is also known as "Business Logic".
  6. suppose if we use any variable inside the method body then we called as "Local Variable" 
In java programming language, A Syntax's can be develop the methods by using 4 approaches . They are 

1. A Method is taking input & returning  values .


In the above example we have to take input on list of parameter as a method definition part and the values of a,b are given in the method call part.

2. A Method is non taking input & non returning values.


In the above example we do not  take input on list of parameter's as a method definition part and the values of a,b are declared inside a method definition.

3. A Method is non taking input & returning  values . 


In the above example we do not take any input on the list of formal parameter's as a definition part and the values of a,b are declared inside in the method definition.

4. A Method is taking input & non returning  values . 


In the above example we have to take input on the list of formal parameter's as a definition part  and the values of a,b are declared as a method call part.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Development Of Methods in Java

Development of Methods

In previous post  we are already discuss about on the DataTypes in java. Now we are learning the Methods concept.

In Computer programming a function prototype or function interface can be declaration of a function that specifies the functions name and type of signature  (Datatype of parameter and return type), It is called as function body. A function prototype mostly specifies its interface, i.e what data types go in and come out of it. The terms function prototype is particularly used in the context of the programming language c and c++.

In any programming languages like to perform  if any type of operations, Then we must have learn the " Function " concept . Function is one of the concept in C Language, But in Java functions is also called as "Methods" . 


A method is in Object-Oriented programming called as OOPS is a procedure associated with a message and object. An object is mostly have  data and behavior, Where is formed from the interface that an object present to the outside world. Data is represented as the properties of the object and behavior as methods.

Example:- window is an object would have methods such as open and close.

class Window
void open
void close


➤In Java programming language, Methods are defined in a class amd objects are instance of a given class.

➤It is one of the most important capabilities that have methods provides the method overriding. The same name Area can be used for multiple time with different kinds of  classes.
➤In Java programming, A method have a set of behavior in a class object.
For Example:-  An Object can send an area message to another object and the appropriate formula when receive the object is a rectangle, circle, triangle etc.. .
Syntax :-
void main( )
 ( Business logic / Execution logic )

Definition Of Method

A method is a set of code which is referred by name and it can called as invoked at any point in a program which is simply by utilizing the methods name (or)  A self contained block of statements is a called a "Methods".  (or) A  part of the main program is called a "Methods".

Advantages Of Methods

  • Application development is less.
  • Application takes less memory.
  • Redundancy of the code is minimized.
  • We are able slogan of the method "write code once call any where".

Part Of The Methods

 At during the time of the methods we must ensure that 3 parts . They are :
  1. Method definition 
  2. Method declaration
  3. Method call

Phases Of The Method  

At the time of defining the methods then we must ensure 3 phases. They are :
  1. Method is taking input 
  2. Method is doing process
  3. method is giving input

Number Of Approaches To Define Methods

 At the time of defines the methods then we must following the 4 approaches. They are :
  1. A Method is taking input & Returning values.
  2. A Methods is non taking input & Non Returning values.
  3. A  Method is taking input & Non Taking values .
  4. A method is non taking input & Returning values.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Fundamental Data Types & Assigning variables in java

Assigning The Variables 

Definition : A variable must be given a value after it has been declared but before it is used in an expression. This can be achieve in two ways. They are :
  1. By using an assignment statement.
  2. By using a read statement.

➤ Assignment Statement :-  A simple method of giving values to a variable is through the assignment statement as follows. Already we  discussed about on the data type declaration in last post then we have assigning the variable to that data types.

 Syntax:- variable name= value;
Here variable name represents the name of the type that specify location of the value in the memory. Value is used to  store the value of the variable name. Some of the example are given below.

Example:- ID NO =100;
                      percentage = 80.1;
                      PI = 3.14;
                      grade = 'A';
we are also string assignment expressions as shown below  a=b=c=0; .

➤ It is also possible to assign a value to a variable at the time of its declaration. This is taken the form:

Syntax:-  Data type variable name = value;

Example:-  int Id NO = 100;
                       float percentage = 80.1f;
                       double pi = 3.14;
                       char grade ='A';

The process of giving initial values to variables is known as the initialization values. The ones that are not initialization are automatically set to zero.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Variables | Constants & Data Types in - Java

Variable's & Constant's

Definition:  "A variable is an identifier that can denotes the storage location used to store a data value in the primary memory of a computer". A variable may take different values in different times during the execution of the a program. 

In Java, variable are the names of storage locations that specify the location of a variable. After designing it uses for suitable variable names, we must declare them to the compiler. They are:

 A variable name can be chosen by the programmer in a meaningful way, so it is reflected as like a what we represents in the programs.
➤ It tells the compiler what is the variable names.
➤ It specify the what type of data that variable will hold.
➤ The place of declaration in the program to decide the scope of the  variable .

A variable must be declared before it is used in the program. It can be used to store a value of any data type. After declaration of variables we must be end with semicolon other wise we get error's in the program.

Syntax:-  Datatype  variable 1, variable 2 ;

Example:-  int  ID NO;
                      float  percentage;
                      double  PI;
                      char  grade;


Definition: Constants are fixed values that cannot be changed during the execution of a program. Java constants are discussed below and they are classified into 2 types. They are :

1.Numeric Constants.
  a. Integer Constants   b. Real Constants
2.Character Constants.
  a. Character Constants  b. String Constants

➤ Integer Constants:- An Integer Constants refers to a sequences of digits.There are three types of integers, namely, decimal integer, octal integer and hexadecimal integer.
  • Decimal integer consists of a set of digits like 0 to 9 which is preceded by an optical minus sign.
  • An octal integer constant consist of any combination of digits from the set of 0 to  7 with a leading of 0.
  • A sequence of digits preceded by OX is considered as Hexadecimal integer.
➤ Real Constants:- Quantities containing fractional parts are called as real or floating point constants. The following are the some example for real constants. 

Ex:- 0.011 - 0.25 123.45

The above numbers are shown in decimal notations.

Character Constants :- A single character constant contain single character enclosed within a pair of single quote marks. Some of the examples are 'L','U','C','K','Y' .

 String Constant :- A single constant is a sequence of character enclosed between double quotes. The characters may be alphabets, digits, special characters and blank spaces.

Ex:- "Hello Lucky","20", "Java", "A" .

Monday, July 16, 2018

A Great History Of JAVA

The History of Java is interesting to know about that, Firstly the word Java starts from Green Team by the developers called Java team members (also known as Green Team). Initiated Java is one of the evolutionary task which is use to developing a language for digital devices like set-top boxes, televisions etc. 

During at the time of green team members to develop the Java, It was an advance concept at that time. But, Finally it was suited for developing the internet programming concepts. Later, Java technology as incorporated by Netscape .

At present, Java is mainly used for developing the programs like such as Internet programming, Mobile devices, Games, E-business solutions etc. So the given below major points are to be described  & explained  about  how the  history of Java  is came.

1)  A father of Java  name called "James Gosling" and his team members are "Mike Sheridan", and "Patrick Naughton" initiated the Java language project in year June 1991. The little team of sun engineers referred to as "Green Team".

2)  It was Originally designed for developing the small embedded system in electronic appliances like set-top boxes.

3) At First, Java was referred to as as "Green-talk" by James gosling and the file extension was .gt.

4) After that, it was called "Oak" name. It was developed as a part of the Green project.

Why & How "Oak" name is came ?
5)  Why Oak? name, Actually Oak is one of the tree, A symbol of strength and it was chosen as a national tree of some  many  countries like U.S.A., France, Germany, Romania among 13 countries as  a  national tree.  
So this is the reason behind that author & developer of green team ( James gosling ) choose the first name of software called "Oak" in the year 1991.   

6) Later within the year 1995, Oak was renamed as "Java" as a result of Oak was already a trademark by Oak Technologies.

7) Why they had choose Java name for Java language? 

The green team members gathered to choose a name for new software language. The team members suggested some of the words like "dynamic", "revolutionary", "Silk", "jolt", "DNA" etc. They needed one thing that mirrored the potency of the technology: revolutionary, dynamic, lively, cool, unique, and easy to spell and fun to say.

But, The father of James Gosling preferred name called Java. "Java was one of the top choices along with Silk". Since java was so unique word the most of the team members preferred java.

8)  Actually, Java is an island of Indonesia where the first coffee seeds was produced to the world, It is called as Java coffee the symbol of java.


9)  Here, Notice that Java is just only a name but it is not an acronym.

10) Java was developed by James gosling at Sun micro systems in U.S.A ( At present which is now a subsidiary of Oracle Corporation) and released in year 1995.

11) In the year 1995, Time magazine reveled called about on " Java one of the Ten Best Products of 1995 ".

12)   Java editions are classified into 3 types they are :
  • J2SE ( Standard Editio)
  • J2ME ( Mobile Edition )
  • J2EE ( Expressed Edition )
13) First Java Version on JDK 1.0 ( Java Development Kit ) was released in January 23, 1996.

Java Version History

There are many java versions that has been released. Current stable release of Java is Java SE 8.
  1. JDK Alpha and Beta (1995)
  2. JDK 1.0 (23rd Jan, 1996)
  3. JDK 1.1 (19th Feb, 1997)
  4. J2SE 1.2 (8th Dec, 1998)
  5. J2SE 1.3 (8th May, 2000)
  6. J2SE 1.4 (6th Feb, 2002)
  7. J2SE 5.0 (30th Sep, 2004)
  8. Java SE 6 (11th Dec, 2006)
  9. Java SE 7 (28th July, 2011)
  10. Java SE 8 (18th March, 2014)
  11. Java SE 9 (12th September, 2017)
➤➤➤ Variables and Constants & Data Types in Java

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

What is Internet Software? Purpose of Internet Software.

Internet Software

The word internet is globally interconnected to the computer networks that which can use the internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide. it is a network of networks that consist of private, public, academic,  business, and government networks of all local global scope which is linked by board array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies.

Internet carriers a vast range of information resources and services such as inter linked hypertext documents and applications of the  world wide web (WWW), electronic mail, telephony  and file sharing etc. 

Here Internet Software is also known as a distributed application. The purpose of internet software is used to developed the distributed application. If any software runs distributed under the internet then its called as distributed application or internet software.

In the real time industry to develop distributed application we have to used the  two type of languages in present  technology. They are :

Java Development (Sun micro-systems, USA)
. Net Development (micro-soft company, INC co USA)


Java language is mostly used to developing the distributed applications. So Java is also one of the Internet software (or) Distributed application  that can run through  the internet. It is developed by the James Gosling at Sun Micro-Systems in Bell laboratories USA and released in the year 1995 .


It was released to the real industry and used by the all programmer for the development of each every application and it is more popular for development of distributed application. Today java is more popular language in the software industry for developing distributed application. 


.Net framework is also a internet software framework which was developed by Microsoft company in the year 1990. .Net framework is intended to be used by most new application  that can created for windows platform. 

Microsoft is also produces a large number of integrated development environment  for .Net software called Visual Studio which is used for developing distributed application. The first Beta version of .Net was released in the year 2000.

If any software's are distributed through the internet then it is called distributed application's. They are: WhatsApp, Facebook,Twitter,Gmail,Messenger ETC...

➤ WhatsApp:- WhatsApp is a freeware and across the messaging, voice application by the WhatsApp Inc. It allows the sending of the text, message, and voice calls as well as video calls, images and other media, documents, and user location also.   

WhatsApp was originally founded by the Brian Action & Jan Koum (CEO) in the year 2009 February 24. Later, It is undertaken by the Facebook in the year 2017. It is one of the top most under five companies in the world.

➤  Facebook:- Facebook is an online social media and social networking application by Facebook company founder Mark Zuckerberg (CEO) along with Harvard university roommates Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes in the year 2004 February 4.

➤ Twitter:- Twitter is an online social media and social networking services application on which can users posts and also interact with messages called as "tweets". It was developed by the John Dorsey in the year 2015 September 5 . 
The software's which can be distributed through the internet then type of software's called distributed application. So the application which runs under the internet  that is developed by using  Java & .Net languages in the real industry. These two languages are the most popular for developing the internet software.
So this blog will give more information about on java in further posts. I hope you that all are clearly understand  my concepts .

➤➤➤ History of Java

Monday, July 09, 2018

What is Application Software? Definition & Type of Application Software

Application Software

application software is collection of programs which is developed by the programmer and it can be used by the End-users. The persons who can use of that particular  application  is called End-user , So we are all end-users.

Already we may have heard and talking about the uses of an "Application or App". But exactly what is that mean of that ?. Today we are using the mobile technology called smart phones which have containing apps by default. The term "app" it is short as application software, which has since become very popular in the year 2010 .

An app is one type of applications software that will allow to perform the specific task of a mobile.

A Applications which is use for desktop or laptop, computer are called as desktop applications, Example of an application software such as include word processor, a spreadsheet, an accounting application, a media player, or photo editor.

The purpose of application software is used to develop the "Software or projects for Organisations sectors ". Some of the organisation are

1.Financial Sector

The financial services are the economic services  provided by the  finance industry. Some of the services are providing the application software by the financial  sectors like :
Example:-  Banking , credit card , Insurance , Accountancy , consumer finance, investing funds etc...

2.Health Care Sector 

Health care industry are also called the medical industry or health economy. So some of the services are providing the application software  by the health care sectors like :
Example:-  Cardiologist, Dermatologist,  Neurologist etc...

3.Educational Sector 

Education is process of facilitating  learning or acquisition  of knowledge , skills, values, belief and habits. Some of the services are providing the application software by the educational sector like :
Example:- Colleges, Universities, Schools, Institutions etc...

4.Transportation Sector

Transportation sector is the process of transforming  the goods and services from one place to another place. some of the services are providing the applications software by the Transportation sector like:
Example:-  Railways, Airways, Roadways, Seaways etc...

A  application software are classified in to two types, They are :
  1. Front-end Technology
  2. Back-end Technology

1.Front-End Technology

In software industry, The term front-end refer to the separation of concern for the presentation layer (front end). A Front-end technology is also known as a look and feel applications. It may be prefer as different types in the software industry which is shown in below points.

➤ In Content Management System, The term front end and back end technology may refers to the end-user facing views of the CMS and administrative views.
➤ In speech synthesis, The front end  refer to the synthesis system which is convert to the input text as a symbolic phonetics presentations.  
➤ For the major computer subsystem, a graphical  file manager  is a front end to the computer file systems and computer shell interface with operating system.

Example:-  Google maps, Windows (Operating System).  


In the real time industry to develop the front-end application we can use the following languages.
They are :
  1. HTML
  2. PHP? 
  3. .Net (Micro-soft company)
  4. Applets 
  5. Swings
  6. AWT
  7. Developer 2000 (Oracle corporation)
The above languages are the most useful programming languages to develop the front end applications in the real industry.

2.Back-End Technology

A Back-End technology is nothing but data Persistence which is to store the data permanently in the  data base. If a user will see and fill the Interent application form after click the submit button then all the data will be store into the Database.

➤ In Content Management System, The term front end and back end technology may refers to the end-user facing views of the CMS and administrative views.
➤ In back end technology converts the symbolic phonetics represents into actual sounds.
In the real time industry to develop the back-end technology we can use the following languages like. They are:  
  1. SQL
  2. Pl-SQL
  3. Oracle 
  4. SQL Server (Micro-soft Company)
  5. RDBMS
  6. DBA 
The above languages are the most useful programming languages to develop the back end applications in the real industry.

➤➤➤What is Internet Software?

    Friday, July 06, 2018

    What is Software | Different types of softwares

    "At the Beginning of every learner is to know and think about your carrier in life that how can survive your future in the software industry ". 

    Every new learner of the IT industry that how can  get the good job in their life.  Some times people will select a particular courses for getting good job opportunities in feature. Finally they may be not achieve anything in their life because have no idea on  IT courses. 

    In this blog, How the effective way of learning to create your carrier as a good manner. In the software industry . A software engineer or a new learner of java is to know that  how the real time code is to be developed in real industry. So in this blog i am  clearly explained about on the java real time coding with step-to-step for the new leaner's & developer's of a java.

    "Before we learn about the Java, Firstly every programmer should know about on the  basics  and as well as why should we learn and know about  the Java "

    So those all questions are the most important while learning a new programming languages in the Software Industry.
    For every beginner of Java must have to know about 3 questions before to start learning about on java. They are :
    1.what is Java?
    2.what is the purpose of Java?
    3.What is the real-time purpose of a Java?

    So, If we want learn about on java programming language then we must have to know about the software concept rather than java concepts. Because in the software industry which type of software's develop by using the programming languages.